Telegram gains three million users with the fall of whatsapp

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Thursday was a bad day for Facebook, as its main platforms, including WhatsApp and Instagram, were down for a large part of the day. What had dire consequences for the firm. Even others like Telegram have been known to take advantage of it, since in a single day, the messaging app gained enough users. It has been known that 3 million users won.
Telegram gains three million users with the fall of WhatsApp
Without a doubt, good news for the messaging app, which is one of the most popular, but which has seen how this popularity has had a notable increase this Thursday.
Telegram takes advantage
Telegram has been able to take advantage, although without really doing anything, of the problems that WhatsApp had. Since on Thursday, the popular messaging app had many malfunctions, making it impossible to send messages for a large part of the day, or it worked very slowly. So users were forced to search for solutions. They did it with another app.
A growth that is not the first time that they experience. Since they have been known to take advantage of WhatsApp drops more times, it falls much more frequently. Which allows them to win users on many occasions.
Although this seems to be the time that Telegram has taken greater advantage of these problems in its main competitor. The question now is how many of these users are going to stay in the app now that WhatsApp works again normally. Until the next fall?
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