
Tiktok is investigated for the use of data from minors

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TikTok is one of the applications of the moment, especially among the youngest. Although they have been several times in the spotlight for their treatment of personal data. In this case, it is the United Kingdom that has certain problems with the app. For this reason, the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) investigates the data management and security that this app offers minors.

TikTok is investigated for the use of data from minors

The application is accused of having violated the data protection regulation in Europe. So they are currently conducting an investigation.

Ongoing research

As many already know, TikTok gives the possibility to create and share videos. It is a very popular app among young people, something that causes concern. Since on the one hand you want to know what happens to said data, in addition to the ease with which an adult can contact minors through messages. Something that generates a lot of concern too.

In addition, in recent months the company behind the app has already received several fines. The reason was that they collected data from children under the age of 13. The UK is considering doing the same once the research findings are known. A fine that could reach 4% of the firm's income in the worst case.

Therefore, we will have to wait to see what the results of this investigation are. This is not the first time that the way in which TikTok protects data has been questioned. So until there are no changes, they are likely to continue to receive fines.

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