
Toshiba to release 14TB HDD soon

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The arrival of SSDs has meant a major revolution in the field of data storage on our PCs with a speed much higher than that offered by mechanical discs of a lifetime. However, the latter still have a lot to say and their disappearance is nowhere near. Toshiba has announced that it is working on a 14TB HDD to launch it on the market very soon.

Toshiba wants to lead the fight for HDDs with its 14TB model

If it is undeniable that SSDs are much faster, it is also true that HDDs offer a much higher price-to-storage ratio, which means that mechanical disks continue to be the best option where enormous storage capacity is required. data.

SSD vs HDD: Everything you need to know

Helium filling technology has allowed Toshiba to create a new mechanical disk with a monstrous 14 TB capacity, a much higher figure than the best disks we can find today that conform to 8 TB capacity. This new disc will be released before the end of 2018 and will surpass a Seagate that currently holds the record with a capacity of 12 TB, despite the fact that it is already working on an 18 TB disc that would also arrive sometime in 2018.

All the major manufacturers of mechanical discs intend to achieve the manufacture of 20TB models before 2020, for which they will have to adopt new measures, including the use of new materials and designs that will add to the replacement of the air by helium inside the discs.

There is no doubt that HDDs will continue with us for many years.

Source: overclock3d


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