
Twitter introduces a button to return the chronological order in tweets

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A few months ago, Twitter announced that the tweets were going to be shown again in chronological order. A feature highly anticipated by users on the social network. Since the current order in which they were displayed was not something positively valued. Finally, the time has come. They do it through a button that allows you to have this order again.

The company itself was in charge of announcing the function through a message. So users can return to have the chronological order of tweets on the popular social network if they prefer.

To keep you informed and see the Tweets that matter to you, we launched a new way to control the timeline thanks to a new icon ✨ at the top of the screen.

Available from today on iOS and, in the coming weeks, on Android.

- Twitter Spain (@TwitterEspana) December 18, 2018

Twitter returns to chronological order

While this feature allows Twitter users to be able to see posts again based on their post date, there is a slight catch. Since, after a while, the function will automatically deactivate itself. So from time to time users will have to be in charge of activating it again. A solution, but that in some sense works more like a patch.

At the moment, iOS users are the first to have access to it. It is expected that it will not take too long to reach Android. So soon all users of the social network will have access to it.

Without a doubt, a moment that Twitter users had been waiting for for a long time. The way of acting of the social network in this sense has not sat well. But finally a few months ago they broke the news. Now, it begins to come true.

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