
Ubisoft predicts great success for the nintendo switch

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Ubisoft, one of the most important video game development companies, has great confidence in the new Nintendo Switch game console, which predicts a much greater success than the WiiU has had.

Ubisoft has great confidence in the Nintendo Switch

Xavier Poix, CEO of Ubisoft Studios in France, is confident that the new Nintendo console will be a great success in the market, in fact he is confident that it will have an impact similar to the original Wii that became one of the consoles best-selling of all time. The new Nintendo Switch is a hybrid console that brings traditional video games closer to a portable console that we can take anywhere, we can even separate the controllers to play with our friends.

According to Ubisoft, with the Switch, Nintendo has returned to the path of innovation to offer a unique product that differs greatly from the PS4 and the Xbox One. Let's hope that the company's words become a reality and Nintendo offers us a excellent gaming alternative.


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