Ubuntu 16.10 yakkety yak now available for download

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A few days ago we warned you of the code name for Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak. Today we come to let you know that it is already available to download the images for users who want to lend a hand in this new project.
Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak
Among its improvements, it is expected that Canonical continues to evolve to the Unity 8 interface little by little and that the Snap packages continue to offer the advantages that we indicated you a few days ago as well.
Currently we can find the first images for 32-bit and 64-bit (ISO) systems in the official Ubuntu repositories. We have tried to update from Ubuntu 16.04 LTS but it is still not possible to upgrade, if you want to start using it, you will have to do a clean installation. Nothing important, if you keep the / Home folder on a partition (Our recommendation).
We also recommend reading our tutorial on how to upgrade Ubuntu 14.04 LTS to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
If there is no change in these next months, the fully stable version will appear for the first time in almost the end of October , to be more exact on October 20.
Are you already testing Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak ? Are you going to update or wait for one of its more advanced Alpha or Beta versions? We like to know the opinion of our readers.
Ubuntu 16.10 yakkety yak release schedule

Leaked the Ubuntu 16.10 roadmap and the main news that the next revision of the Canonical operating system will include.
Ubuntu gnome 17.04, now available for download with gnome 3.24

The Ubuntu GNOME 17.04 distribution can now be downloaded with the GNOME 3.24 desktop environment, Stack Mesa 17.0 and the X-Org Server 1.19 graphical server.
Ubuntu 18.04 lts is now available for download

The final version of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is now available, the latest Canonical operating system with long-term support, all the details.