
Wallet bug leaves $ 280 million ethereum frozen

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Ethereum has long been the second largest cryptocurrency on the market. This summer has been very hectic for the currency. After being victims of several robberies, his safety was highly questioned. As well as his future. But, it seems that the last months the situation had normalized. Until now. A bug in one of the main Ethereum wallets has caused $ 280 million in cryptocurrency to freeze.

Wallet bug leaves $ 280 million on Ethereum frozen

The problem has originated from Parity Wallet, one of the most popular wallets. It was yesterday when the company reported this critical failure that affects all users who make use of the portfolio. The first reports said that it was about 150 million dollars in cryptocurrencies. But, finally, after the hours it has been confirmed that it is actually 280 million dollars.

New bug in Parity Wallet

It is a code bug that allows a user to become the owner of the multi-signature portfolio. In this way, it has been able to kill the contracts signed by Parity. Making them unusable in this way. And incidentally leaving the Ethers frozen. This failure was caused by error, when the user was reviewing the code. It was then that this bug originated.

The bug affects many users. It has caused a decline in the value of Ethereum, of more than 2.25% so far this day. Also, to make it even more serious, this is not the first time that a problem has occurred with Parity Wallet. This is the second time this year that the portfolio has been compromised.

A ruling in July allowed $ 27 million in Ether to be stolen. So it looks like Parity has a huge security issue on her hands. At the moment the problem has not been solved yet. So the $ 280 million is still frozen. Both Ethereum and Parity work on solutions, but it is not known how long they will take.


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