
Usb installer: how to have a pendrive capable of installing linux

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Today we will talk about USB Installer , a program that allows us to transform a pendrive into a Linux installer in just a couple of steps. This software has been designed by the same creators of YUMI Multiboot USB Creator and it is something that you will notice leagues.

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What is USB Installer ?

Returning to the topic: you will have to find a tab where you talk about memories, disks or energy. Then, within that tab, in one of those sections the different memories that you will have installed on the PC will appear .

It should indicate something like 'Boot Options' or 'Launch Options' and your USB drive should be on that list. You will have to manually choose the memory and place it in the first place.

In this way, the computer will try to boot an Operating System from the USB and not from your SSD or HDD . As you can imagine, in said USB we will have the installer of the Linux distribution and from there the relevant OS will be installed.


Although the program hardly has any type of user interface or usage options, we do have a couple of buttons with relevant information.

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On the one hand, it has the 'Home Page' button , which if you know a little English you will quickly understand that leads us to its home page.

On the other hand, the 'FAQ' button opens the same page, but at a lower height and with the FAQ tab open. This section is for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and here are solutions that some users ask for.

For example, if many users do not know where to install the Operating Systems and ask in the forum, in the FAQ section it will indicate that the blue text takes you to the download link (only for Linux distributions) .

Finally, 'Recommended Flash Drives' takes you to a website from the same creators where a set of USB sticks of different sizes is recommended.

You can trust the pendrivelinux criteria, or find yourself any other offer online. We honestly don't believe there is any major difference between using one make / model or another.

Final Words on USB Installer

The installation process of the Linux Operating System inside the pendrive is exactly the same as that of its sister program: YUMI .

However, the similarities do not end there. The case is that at YUMI we have even more options, so we believe that if you want to install both Windows and Linux it is more advisable to use that other program. In addition, you can install more than one Operating System on the same USB , so the configurations multiply.

If you want to know how to use YUMI , we recommend our article about it. Although as we have previously indicated, there are not many differences between these two programs.

For our part, we believe that is all about this simple program. We could make some recommendations for UNIX distributions, but it all depends a lot on what you are looking for or what you just like best.

Otherwise, you can also install Windows with both programs, but you will have to download the.iso file from other sources, since this OS is paid.

We hope that you have understood the article with ease and that you have learned something new. But now you tell us: Do you use any other program to install Linux distributions? Which distribution is your favorite and why? Share your recommendations in the comment box.

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