Warner Bros and Intel sued by a Chinese company

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As you listen Warner Bros and Intel have been sued. It all starts at the beginning of the year when the Chinese LegendSky company launched a device that was capable of copying 4K movies with protection, a device that was called HDFury and that quickly became famous because it was the one that allowed the first "ripping" in 4K that were then hung on the network, especially on the BitTorrent network.
Warner Bros and Intel sued
Warner Bros and Intel quickly sued the Chinese company for violating HDCP (High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection) protection, claiming that HDFury only served to encourage piracy.
This litigation had a new chapter hours ago, with the harsh response from LegendSky, which now makes a counter-lawsuit against Warner Bros and Intel for trying to monopolize the 4K content market and for defamation of the company.
"Actually, the lawsuit is a 'nightstick' in order to illegally expand the scope of the plaintiffs' copyright monopolies…"
The defense of LegendSky is that the HDFury device does not remove the HDCP protection but rather takes the latest version of this protection (2.2) and allows it to be converted to an earlier version such as DHCP 1.4. By lowering DHCP protection to version 1.4, this allows hackers to " rip it ", which cannot be done if the movie or TV series has the latest protection.
This is the famous HD Fury that copies 4K movies
In this case LegendSky is not responsible for the use that pirates may make when carrying out this action with their HDFury, something that must be determined by the New York court. These lawsuits and counter-lawsuits between LegendSky, Warner Bros and Intel barely seem to have started and we are likely to have new chapters.
Intel has already been sued for the meltdown and specter vulnerabilities

Intel has already been the subject of three lawsuits in the United States for the Specter and Meltdown vulnerabilities that affect all its processors.
Chinese drama company to cease production due to U.S. sanction

Fujian Jinhua will cease DRAM production next month, as US sanctions against the company make it impossible to continue.
Dram: Chinese company begins its own mass production of drams

A Chinese state-backed company, ChangXin Memory Technologies, has started mass production of its first DRAM chip.