
Chinese drama company to cease production due to U.S. sanction

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Last year we learned about the legal problems of memory makers in China, with the Fujian Jinhua company that had been accused of holding Micron trade secrets in its hands. The latest news is that Fujian Jinhua will cease DRAM production next month, as the US sanctions. against the company make it impossible to continue.

Fujian Jinhua had been sanctioned for having Micron trade secrets

Sources close to the company explain that the US trade ban has caused Fujian Jinhua to quickly run out of imported materials that are vital to keep production running.

Fujian Jinhua is quickly running out of imported materials vital to keeping its manufacturing plant up and running as a result of Washington's export ban, according to two people close to Jinhua and United Microelectronics (UMC).

The original source of this information is the Financial Times, citing two sources close to the matter, who say the trade ban was too harsh to keep the company afloat, limiting its ability to import parts and tools necessary for its production of DRAM memories..

The sanction could not have come at a worse time for them. Fujian Jinhua was a company that was investing to complete construction of a $ 5.7 billion factory in China's Fujian province.

The original reasons given by the Commerce Department for the export ban said the company was supported by "technology of probable US origin, " allegedly from Micron.

At the moment, we do not know how this will affect the stock of DRAM memories in the short or long term worldwide.

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