
Windows 10 is downloaded to your pc without you knowing

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Microsoft has given the surprise by offering Windows 10 free to Windows 7 and Windows 8 / 8.1 users, however this has been accompanied by the impossibility of avoiding updates in the new version of Windows and now we know that users of both versions Earlier Redmond operating systems cannot prevent Windows 10 from downloading to their computers if they have automatic updates turned on.

If you use Windows 7 or Windows 8 / 8.1 you should know that Windows 10 is downloaded to your computer without prior notice, it also does it in a hidden folder called "$ Windows. ~ BT" that can reach up to 6 GB of space on the hard disk. An amount that is not negligible, even more so on those computers that have limited storage capacities of 32 or 64 GB.

In this situation Microsoft has excused itself saying that this is for the greater comfort of users, so that they have Windows 10 ready to be installed whenever they want.

Is Microsoft going too far with Windows 10?

Undoubtedly a situation that can harm users who do not have a high-speed internet connection, not to mention those who do not have a flat rate and have a limited monthly download capacity who can see their bill increased by the decision made by Microsoft.

To this we have to add the keylogger that comes standard with Windows 10 that sends to Redmond all the keystrokes we make with the keyboard and the distribution system of updates through P2P, without forgetting the WiFi Sense feature that is enabled by default.

If you want to prevent Windows 10 from downloading to your PC , all you can do is disable automatic updates and check each one before installing it.

Source: theinquirer


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