
Wordpress enables the https protocol for all blogs for free

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Automattic has announced a collaboration with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) in the framework of the project " Let's Encrypt " by which they begin to offer free and reliable support for the HTTPS protocol to all clients who use custom domains from

The new collaboration aims to provide users with custom domains (of the type ) a free SSL certificate on behalf of Automattic and issued by Let's Encrypt. The certificate would be automatically implemented on the r server, with minimal effort on the part of the user.

Previously, installing SSL certificates and activating the HTTPS protocol was a much more complicated process. Website owners had to contact Automattic technicians, but not before obtaining an SSL certificate for their domains, which was complicated enough.


Since 2014, the company has already offered HTTPS support in subdomains ( ), through the use of certificates issued for the main domain of

HTTPS - Over 1 million websites use Let's Encrypt SSL certificates -

No wonder Automattic has decided to implement Let's Encrypt certificates, given that the company has always been a strong advocate of open source software, as well as privacy on the Internet.

Also, thanks to the Let's Encrypt project, it has become much cheaper and easier to implement HTTPS throughout the web.

According to statistics released by the EFF last month, the Let's Encrypt project has already issued more than 1 million SSL certificates for website owners worldwide.

In case you did not know, Google usually favors those sites that have SSL certificates, so if you do, your content will probably rank better on the search page.

The EFF also recently noted that the project could be renamed in the near future.


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