Xiaomi updates 25 phones with miui 9 to protect itself from krack

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A few days ago we told you about KRACK and the threat it poses worldwide. This attack puts millions of WiFi networks at risk due to a vulnerability found in the WPA2 protocol. Users are totally exposed to this attack. But luckily brands have gotten to work looking for solutions. One of them Xiaomi.
Xiaomi updates 25 phones with MIUI 9 to protect itself from KRACK
The Chinese brand has released the MIUI 9 update for 25 phones in order that they can be protected from KRACK. It is a global beta of the Xiaomi phones operating system that has protection against this threat.
Update to MIUI 9
In this way, the phones that receive this update will see how the vulnerability related to the WPA2 protocol is corrected. Thus, it will no longer be possible for a KRACK attack to be executed on any of these Xiaomi phones. The Chinese company has wanted to minimize risks and launches this update to a total of 25 phones. The complete list is as follows:
- Redmi Note 4 MTKRedmi Note 4 Qualcomm / Redmi Note 4XMi 6Mi NoteMi Note 2Mi 5Mi 5sMi 5s PlusMi MaxMi Max PrimeMi Max 2Mi 2 / 2SMi 3Mi 4Mi 4iRedmi 2 Redmi NoteRedmi Note 4Redmi Note 4Redmi Note 4Redmi Note 4 4X
Despite being a beta, this update is stable. So users will be able to use it without problems in their day to day. In fact, the recommendation rate is 94%. Xiaomi has taken the protection of its users against KRACK attacks seriously. So those users with one of these models can upgrade to MIUI 9 now.
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