
Youtube will display the ads in videos two by two

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Advertising has been gaining a presence on YouTube over time. Those who use AdBlock probably have not noticed much about it, but it is something that has happened gradually. And changes in this regard continue to be made on the popular website. Since the way in which the ads are displayed on the web is going to be modified.

YouTube will display the ads in videos two by two

Given the complaints of the users, because the announcements affected in many cases the reproduction of the contents. A new way of introducing these ads on the web will be implemented.

Changes to YouTube ads

In long-duration videos, it is common for YouTube to introduce cuts with some ads. But this causes in many cases that said user makes the decision to leave the video. Therefore, on the web they seek to change this trend, with a new way of introducing such ads. What they are going to do, which they have been testing for a while, is to show two ads in a row instead of one.

It is not something they do to show more ads, but rather seeks to reduce the number of cuts that the user has to see. In this way, an attempt is made to reduce this high percentage of users who decide to abandon the content they are viewing. Interruptions are expected to drop 40%.

The question is whether this new YouTube measure is going to have the desired effect or not. But, for the moment they are optimistic about the good results of it. So we will be attentive to its implementation in the versions of the web,

Source Blog Google


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