
Zte could lose his android license due to the embargo in the United States

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The Chinese phone brand ZTE is not going through its best moment. This week it has been confirmed that it is under embargo in the United States. So you cannot use any component that comes from American companies. A problem because they use Qualcomm processors. But it gets worse, because they could even lose their Android license.

ZTE could lose its Android license due to the embargo in the United States

The brand is currently in talks with Google to see how this situation will evolve, which could end in an unprecedented way, with the firm losing its Android license.

ZTE at the risk of losing their license

Not being able to use American components is a problem, although it can be solved by replacing these components with others from Chinese brands. So in this sense you can use MediaTek processors, to get out of trouble. But losing Android is a problem of a different magnitude, and much more serious for the company. Since it could be the end of his journey in the market.

Although at the moment it is not known what will happen. As we have said, Google and ZTE are currently having conversations to discuss this matter. But we don't know when something will be revealed about it. We assume that over the next few days.

This is an unusual situation, but it can have consequences of great importance for the Chinese company. So you will have to be aware of what happens in the coming days. Because ZTE may have to fire Android forcibly.

Reuters Source


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