
Acer will create its own brand of peripherals, called gt

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Acer, like many of its competitors, has a strong presence in the gaming products market. Its Predator monitors, laptops and desktop PCs are widely known. However, they have been exploring the peripherals market for a long time, now with the ambitious proposal to create a brand of gaming peripherals with a certain 'independence' from their parent company.

Gadget Technology or GT, the spin-off of Acer's peripheral division

Although they had already begun to explore the peripheral market with their Predator headphones and the Predator mouse (among others), the new project goes further, with a somewhat more independent brand called GT.

The new brand will be dedicated to selling keyboards, mice, mouse pads, gaming chairs, headsets or ' suitcases to take your Hardware to events '.

The defined date for the spin-off (“ a company born from another by separating a subsidiary division or department of the company to become a company by itself” according to Wikipedia) is September 14. The new company will have an initial capital of approximately one and a half million dollars.

There has been no word on how the brand's products will be advertised and sold. We will have to wait a few weeks to know if they will be sold as a completely independent brand, if they will continue to carry the Predator brand, or most importantly: if they will be good quality products at a good price.

The peripherals market is really saturated these days, everyone seems to want their slice of the cake, and new brands have to position themselves: quality products at a low price, good but extremely expensive peripherals, or straightforwardly low quality only backed by a strong marketing? Time will tell which option Acer chooses, but hopefully the first. What do you think about it?


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