
Aida64 now includes detection of counterfeit nvidia graphics cards

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The second-hand market has always been full of scammers, hoping to trick their customers into buying inferior products. AIDA64, like GPU-Z, has been updated to detect those NVIDIA graphics cards that have been counterfeited.

AIDA64 can now detect fake NVIDIA graphics cards

In the PC market, second-hand online retailers like eBay are full of "fake GPUs, " graphics cards that have been flashed by BIOS to present themselves as newer models when inserted into a system. This is designed to trick buyers into believing that they have received what they paid for, despite the fact that their graphics card will offer below-standard performance and specifications that do not match actual graphics cards.

AIDA64 has received a beta update that adds support for “counterfeit NVIDIA graphics card detection, ” reflecting the recent GPU-Z “Fake GPUs” update, in an effort to better inform consumers. These programs can be used to create evidence against bogus GPU dealers when they move through the claims process of online stores like eBay.

The latest beta version of AIDA64 includes

Fake graphics cards are relatively easy to spot on websites like eBay, especially thanks to misleading GPU online listing specs, unusual appearance of stock coolers and power settings, or lack of imagery. brand of well-known Nvidia AIB partners.

The latest beta version of AIDA64 can be downloaded from here.

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