
Alexa can now be integrated into a light bulb

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Alexa is the assistant to Amazon, whose presence in the market continues to increase. It is increasingly compatible with more different devices, which helps it to be one of the most popular assistants that we find in the market. The firm has now modified the hardware requirements for a device to be able to have the wizard.

Alexa can now be integrated into a light bulb

In this way, it can now also work on devices with only 1 MB of memory. So it is an important change, which expands the number of devices that will be able to use it.

More compatible devices

In this way, Alexa will also be able to work on very simple devices. Think of devices like light bulbs or thermostats, directly. Which undoubtedly gives many possibilities to Amazon, which could even think of launching this type of product, to create its own ecosystem at home, using its assistant as the central axis of it in this case.

Until now, the requirements were quite high. This, while understandable, clearly limited the number of devices that could use the wizard. Many barriers in this regard are now removed.

We will see if this change that Amazon has carried out is a boost for Alexa. The assistant is widely used worldwide, with a lot of potential, so surely we will see new devices that make use of it. The company itself may even increase the range of products that already have the integrated wizard.

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