Amd releases the catalyst 15.7 whql drivers

AMD users have had to wait 212 days to receive new signed graphics drivers, since since the Catalyst 14.12 Omega arrived we have only seen beta versions of the reds.
The Catalyst 15.7 WHQL drivers have finally been released offering support for the new Radeon R300 and Radeon R9 Fury while also promising a number of enhancements and optimizations for various video games.
AMD's new drivers offer support for the Windows 10 operating system and DirectX 12 API that promise a handful of improvements in video games. Other important innovations are the support for FreeSync in Crossfire configurations, the new technology VSR (virtual super-resolution) and FRTC (frame-rate target control).
Virtual Super Resolution (VSR)
VSR provides image quality enhancements to games and Windows desktop users by rendering images at a higher resolution and then down-scaling the same.
Frame Rate Target Control (FRTC)
FRTC allows the user to set a maximum frame rate when playing an application in full screen exclusive mode. This feature provides the following benefits:
- Reduced GPU power consumptionReduced system heatLower fan speeds and less noise
AMD FreeSync and AMD CrossFire Support
- AMD FreeSync and AMD CrossFire can now be used together in applications using DirectX 10 or higher. Please note, this feature is currently not supported on systems configured in AMD Dual Graphics mode.
AMD CrossFire Profile Enhancements
AMD Catalyst 15.7 includes enhancement for the following games since AMD Catalyst Omega:
- Battlefield: HardlineEvolveFar Cry 4Lords of the FallenProject CARSTotal War: AttilaAlien: IsolationAssassin's Creed UnityCivilization: Beyond EarthFIFA 2015GRID AutosportRyse: Son of RomeTalos PrincipleThe CrewGrand Theft Auto VDying LightThe Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
They can now be downloaded from the AMD website
Source: techpowerup
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