Android exceeds 90% of market share in Spain

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In the smartphone market there are two operating systems that dominate the market: Android and iOS. Although it is Google's operating system that really has the largest market share. This has become clear in the Spanish market, with the new data that has been revealed. Thanks to the Kantar data we can see the notable difference in market share.
Android exceeds 90% of market share in Spain
Since for the first time it exceeds a 90% market share in Spain. Which makes clear the progress that has been made so far. It continues to grow over the months.
Android continues to dominate
A year ago, Google's operating system had a market share of 86.1% in Spain. A figure that has increased significantly this year, by almost 5%. Since it now stands at this 90.9%, which allows it to overcome the 90% barrier in market share for the first time. The poor sales of the last generation of the iPhone has not helped in this regard.
This is the general trend in Europe, where Android dominates the market. Globally, there has also been a slight decrease in iOS in terms of market share, with the exception of the United States, where it continues to dominate the market.
So we will have to see the evolution of Google's operating system throughout the year in the Spanish market. Since it is certainly gaining ground leaving iOS with less and less presence in the market.
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