
Gpus market: intel captures amd and nvidia market share

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The JPR quarterly report has already been released and, unsurprisingly, the GPU market has been hit. With the boom in mining practically dead, shipments of dedicated graphics cards were affected with a decrease of 27.96% compared to the same quarter last year. The news is that Intel gained market share

Nvidia GPU shipments were down 7% and AMD shipments were down 12.3%, but Intel managed to increase its share by 3%.

If we talk about market share and how the 'cake' is being divided, AMD and NVIDIA fall back compared to the same quarter of the previous year, AMD lost 2 percentage points of market share, while Nvidia only lost 1. This means that AMD It was doubly affected by the fall in cryptocurrency mining. This makes sense since their graphics cards were the most demanded for this type of task.

For its part, Intel rose 3%, going from 67 to 70% share. Remember that all the GPUs that are embedded in the Intel processors are counted, hence it has such a market share.

These numbers will most likely change starting in the third quarter, which is when Nvidia's GeForce RTX graphics cards will be released.

Other data that JPR has revealed:

  • Desktop graphics cards (AIB) using discrete GPUs decreased by -27.96% from the previous quarter, Total annual GPU shipments decreased by -4.9%, Desktop graphics by -6%, and notebooks -5%.
  • Discrete GPUs are found in 32.83% of PCs, representing a decrease of -6.28% compared to the same quarter of the previous year.
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