
Andy rubin returns to essential two weeks after resignation

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A couple of weeks ago Andy Rubin announced his resignation and decided to leave Essential, the company he founded after his departure from Google. It was news that caught most by surprise. The reason for the resignation was that it was revealed that he had a relationship with an employee of his department when he worked at Google. But two weeks later he changes his mind.

Andy Rubin returns to Essential two weeks after resignation

The decision he made left Essential in a difficult position. Since the company is not having an easy path in the market. Her Essential Phone has been one of this year's big failures. Although a new device will be released next year. Again under the direction of Andy Rubin.

Andy Rubin returns to Essential

Throughout these weeks , he has been seen entering the offices of Essential on several occasions, which are located in the same building as those of Playground Global, another of his companies. So it seems that he has been very present in his company during this time.

The reason for his return to the company has not been disclosed. Although, presumably, he wants to continue promoting Essential. Since Andy Rubin has been the main reason why many companies have invested in Essential. So great things are expected under his leadership.

Surely within the company they appreciate their return, especially for the coming year with plans to launch a new Essential Phone to the market. We hope to learn more about your decision soon. And we will see what his plans are for 2018. What do you think of his return to the company?


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