
Apple recognizes that they will sell less iphone than expected

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The year is not off to a good start for Apple. The company has had to adjust its revenue and sales forecasts, because the results so far are worse than expected. Among them we find sales of their iPhones, which have fallen significantly compared to 2017. Christmas has not been as positive as the American firm expected in terms of sales.

Apple acknowledges that they will sell less iPhone than expected

Revenue was estimated to be between $ 89 billion and $ 93 billion, but ultimately remains at about $ 84 billion. And sales don't go along either.

Bad results for Apple

Sales of the new generation of iPhone has been something that has been discussed on many occasions. In these months, many media outlets pointed out that they were below expectations, that they were a failure. But Apple claimed at all times that sales were going well and some models were breaking records. Although the reality is that in the last quarter they have remained at 62 million units sold. This represents a decrease of 18% compared to the previous year.

According to the Cupertino company, there are several reasons for these poor results. The trade war between China and the United States is one of them, which affects the firm's sales. Also the situation of the world economy is not the best, something that influences.

Without a doubt, the year does not start well for Apple. Although in part no one is surprised that the sales of the new iPhones have not lived up to expectations. Its high price has been criticized from the beginning, especially given the few innovations that have been introduced in them. Since yesterday, the company has fallen 8% on the American stock market.

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