Apple and samsung grow sales of wearables

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Despite the fact that sales of smartphones have been falling for a couple of years, sales of wearables, such as smartwatches, are growing. The first quarter of this year has closed again with an increase in sales of 48%, which makes clear the good moment that this market segment is going through. Among the fastest growing companies in this segment are Apple and Samsung.
Apple and Samsung grow wearable sales
The American brand is always one of the best sellers. In fact, a third of the watches on sale are his. So it is clear how they dominate this market.
Smartwatch sales
Apparently, Apple Watch sales have increased 49% in the first quarter of this year. Driven by the popularity of the newer generation, which is having good sales. In this way, the American company remains in the first position of the best sellers. The electrocardiogram function of watches is something that is greatly helping their popularity.
Samsung is the other great protagonist in the first quarter. The Korean brand has seen its sales soar 127%. Its new Galaxy Watch and Galaxy Watch Active are selling well, finally giving the company success in this segment. And they can still continue to grow. Its market share goes from 7.2% to 11.1%.
While Samsung and Apple sell very well, other brands like Huawei are not as lucky. The Chinese brand has been left out of the Top 5 of the best-selling brands in this segment, despite having presented new models.
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