IPhone sales grow in the United States

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In these past weeks it has been seen that iPhone sales have declined worldwide. Especially there have been markets, such as China and India, where sales of Apple phones have suffered. But in the case of the United States, sales have a very different rhythm. Because they have increased throughout 2018 in the country.
IPhone sales grow in the United States
Without a doubt, good news for the company, which is not having a good time in some ways. The legal problems with Qualcomm and the trade war with China clearly affect its sales.
The iPhone sells well in America
According to the new figures that have been revealed, at the end of 2018 there were 189 million iPhone in the United States on the market. It represents a notable increase with respect to the 2017 figures. Since that year it closed with a figure of 166 million Apple phones throughout the United States. In addition, it also represents an increase compared to the third quarter of 2018, when there were 185 million units.
Therefore, despite everything and despite the poor sales of the latest generation of smartphones, sales have continued to grow in America. Those responsible for this increase in sales are users whose first phone is an iPhone, as revealed in the figures.
The question is whether this year they will be able to maintain these sales increases in the United States. Or if, on the contrary, the trend that we see that Apple has worldwide, will also be repeated in the country.
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