
Best buy eliminates kaspersky sales on suspicion of espionage

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On previous occasions we have spoken to you about the problems that Kaspersky is experiencing in the United States today. The online security firm has become the subject of a boycott by the American authorities. Because they suspect that they spy and provide information to the Russian government. Something that the company denies at all times.

Best Buy eliminates Kaspersky sales on suspicion of espionage

Most recently, the FBI itself was asking American companies not to use Kaspersky because of their ties to Russia. And that appeal seems to be working. Now Best Buy decides to remove Kaspersky sales. The reason given is that there are suspicions of espionage by the security firm.

Kaspersky problems

The American retailer has given little reason why all Russian-branded products are no longer sold. With little prior announcement, all products were removed from the web and also from physical stores. A company spokesperson said Kaspersky products leave too many questions unanswered. Avoiding suspicions of espionage.

Therefore, it seems that the pressures that the United States government and the various agencies of the country with the FBI at the helm are beginning to take effect. Despite the constant statements by the security firm denying everything, and even inviting an audit to verify that these accusations are unfounded.

Best Buy has announced that users who have purchased a Kaspersky product in the last 45 days can return it. The problem for the Russian firm will be even greater if more retailers join this boycott that seems to be gaining strength in America. We will see how the story evolves.


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