
How to upgrade Centos 6.7 or earlier to Centos 6.8

Table of contents:


All of you who have a CentOS version 6.7 or earlier must update to the new CentOS version 6.8, as we explained in the previous article. The main reason to always be in the latest version is due to possible security flaws.

How to upgrade CentOS 6.7 or earlier to CentOS 6.8

These steps are very simple and almost all are mandatory, so be careful.

To always update root and make your backups.

The first step is to change to root user:

his -

Don't forget to create a backup of all your data. For example, the folders that we always recommend when dealing with a server distro, is to save: / etc, / var / log, all the apache data, create a MySQL backup (you can use phpmyadmin if you use a web environment) and for Of course all the data from / home /.

Update repositories and migrate to CentOS 6.8

We are going to update all the repositories, clean everything and update (upgrade) the most important system packages: glibc, yum, rpm and phyton. As a last step we will restart.

yum update yum clean all yum update glibc * yum * rpm * python * yum update reboot

Note: copy one by one and go running, until you get the last one that will restart your PC.

How do I check that I am in the latest version?

The steps are really simple. It is as simple as checking it with the cat command.

cat / etc / redhat-release

If you want detailed information use the command lsb_release -a, the result will be the following:

lsb_release -a

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