
How to search for a word in word: explained step by step

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Word is a program that we use regularly on our computer. On many occasions, we may edit very long documents in it. But it may be necessary to search for a specific word, because we have misspelled it or because we need to locate it in the text. In this case, we will have to use the search engine that is integrated in the editor.

How to search a word in Word

Many users do not know how to search for a word in the document editor. It is somewhat simpler than many people think, so we can locate any word we are looking for. We tell you how it is achieved.

Search for words

First of all we will have to open the Word document in question, where we want to search for a word or phrase. So when we already have this document open on the screen, we look at the start menu at the top of the screen. On the right side, almost to the right of everything, we find an option called Find, located just above Replace. It is the option we want to use.

A small menu will then open on the left side of the screen, where we will be able to enter the word that we want to search for in the document. When entering this word, the search engine will take us to the first place where it is displayed, and we will see that the word is highlighted with a yellow background color. So we can locate it with great comfort.

We can use this process as many times as we want, with those words that we want. As you can see, searching for a word in a document in Microsoft Word is something simple in this sense. It does not take us just a few seconds to do it and especially in those documents that are long, it is a good way to locate specific words.


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