
▷ How to capture screen in windows 10 【step by step】

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Do you need to take a photo to your screen to send or edit it? In this tutorial we are going to teach you some ways to capture screenshots in Windows 10 in an easy way and without the need to install any program.

Index of contents

We are in the final stretch of 2018 and Windows 10 has been with us for several years. We all more or less already know the one considered by its creator as the best Windows ever created.

There are many new features that this operating system implements that differentiates it from other versions, especially its security section. But topic that we will touch on today, has not exactly had too many updates since its implementation since the first versions of the Microsoft operating system with built-in desktop. It is very easy to capture our screen, but it could be even more, and we will explain later why.

And it is that the method of capturing Windows screen, although it may have seemed silly to you, is really useful, and you should know how it is done. He can notify you of problems that have arisen in your operating system. Or ask a friend or professional through an image, for the configuration of a program or utility. Or simply immortalize that beautiful desk that you have set up for Christmas.

Capture screen in Windows 10 using keyboard

The first way to create a useful image of your desktop will be through the keyboard you have. Virtually all of them implement a key to perform this action. This way you will not have problems taking a screenshot.

For this action, in addition to having the key in question on your keyboard, you will also need a program that allows you to save the photo taken, for example, Paint. This is precisely what we were referring to earlier by saying that the system had not enjoyed much improvement. We can find other operating systems such as Mac, from the Apple company, which directly stores the screenshot made without the need to use extra programs. Another operating system that does the same is the Linux distribution, Ubuntu, it can capture screen and store it directly.

Capture full screen

It consists of taking a screenshot in Windows 10 in its full extension. The key that we will use is called “Impr Pant” or in English “Prt Scr”. It is normally found in the upper right corner of the keyboard, next to the "Lock After" and "Pause / Inter" keys.

When we have the screen ready, we are going to press this key. Apparently nothing has happened, but Windows has stored our screen on the clipboard.

Next, we will open the Paint application by going to the Start button and simply typing "Paint", you will find the application.

Once opened we go to the upper left corner and press "Paste", or using the keyboard with the "Ctrl + V" keys. We will already have our screen as an image in Paint to be able to save it.

Capture a window

If we only want to capture a specific window that we have open we will have to use, in addition to "Print Screen", the "Alt" key

When we have the active window we will press the key combination as follows: " Alt" + "Print Screen". In this way, a capture of only the window in which we are working will be stored in the clipboard.

A window will be active when we click on it, or we are working on it

With this tool we can do many interesting things if we go to the "Mode" button:

  • We can cut the full screen: for this we choose the option of " Full screen cut " and click on "New". Next, we click on the screen and it will appear in the program for storage. We can cut a single window: in the same way we choose this option and pressing again we click on the window that we want. Make a rectangular cut: with this option we can select by means of a rectangle the region of the screen that we want. Finally we can freely cut a piece of our screen: for this we follow the same procedure as in the previous options.

Editing our screenshots

This program also allows small modifications to the captured image. But if we want to have more options we just have to press the rainbow drop button (far right). The image will be exported to the Paint 3D program where we can make the modifications we want.

Programs to capture screen

If the options we give you do not convince you, although in our opinion they are complete and more than enough, you can also use programs such as Greenshot or Lightsot that are free and offer interesting options.

Don't settle for capturing your screen, record it. To learn how to record your Windows 10 screen we recommend that you read the following tutorial:

Did you already know how to capture your screen? Did you know the Clipper application and the options it gives you? Leave us in the comments what you think of these options and if you use any other application.


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