
▷ How to disable access to local and remote windows registry

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One of the most important and critical tools of the Microsoft system is the registry, and it is very worth knowing how to disable access to the Windows registry. The Windows registry can be entered in two ways, locally through our user with regedit, and also remotely, a highly desired place for hackers when we have computers connected to the network without too much protection and this option activates. We are going to see how to disable access in both cases.

Index of contents

Disabling the registry editor can be useful to increase the security of our computer, or prevent other users who use our user account from touching delicate things on our computer.

Disable network access to Windows registry

In Windows there is a service that allows us to access the registry remotely to be able to modify parameters without being physically at our workstation. This service is found in both Windows 10 and earlier versions.

Specifically in Windows 10, this service is disabled by default, so in principle we should be safe and sound. In the case of another version of Windows, or for users who want to know what service it is, let's see what steps we must follow to activate or deactivate network access to the Windows registry.

The first thing to do is press the key combination " Windows + R " to open the Run tool. We will place the following command, and press Enter.


Now we identify in the list of services the name " Remote Registry ", and double click on it to

Disable access to the registry using gpedit

If we have a version of Windows 10, 8 or 7 Pro or Enterprise, we will have the gpedit group policy editor installed, and we have the possibility to disable access to the registry locally with regedit using one of these policies.

So, we are going to open the Execute tool again and we are going to place the following command:


We will access a tool that looks similar to the registry with a series of folders and directories in the left area. We must go to the following route:

User Configuration / Administrative Templates / System

Here we will find a directive called " Prevent access to Registry editing tools ". We double click to open your settings. This procedure will be exactly identical in previous versions of Windows, since the Group Policy Editor has remained unchanged from previous versions.

When the new window regarding this directive opens, we will click on the “ Enabled ” option. Then we will click " Apply " to save the changes.

If we now try to access the registry we will find this message:

When we want to activate access to the registry again, we will only have to go to this section to change the configuration to " not configured ".

Disable access to the registry with regedit

If we do not have gpedit, there is no problem, since we can also do this directly from the registry, although as we can assume, once we disable access to it we will not be able to enter again to revert the changes, unless we make a new user administrator.

We are going to open the execute tool and we are going to place:


In the right area of ​​the registry key tree, we will go to the following path:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System

If we do not have the System folder we will create it by clicking on “ Policies ” with the right button and choosing the “ new -> Password ” option. We will place the name of " System"

Now we will click on the new key " System " with the right button to choose " New -> DWORD Value (32 bits) ".

We will name it “ DisableRegistryTools ”. As we will have noticed, it is the same name that the group policy had in the previous section. Now all that's left is to double-click the registry entry to put the number 1 as its value.

If we now close the registry, and try to execute " regedit ", the same window will appear as in the previous section, denying us access to the registry editor.

Obviously, in absolutely all versions of Windows, the procedure will be identical in this case, so we can do it regardless of the version that we have installed on our computer.

With these three options, we will have completed the procedure to disable access to the Windows registry

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