
How to set usage limits on apps and categories on ios 12

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In iOS 12, Apple has shown a special interest in taking care of the digital health of all its users and to this end, the company has included a couple of new special functions, both on the iPhone and the iPad, which can now be enjoyed as much. developers and users enrolled in the public beta program (remember that iOS 12 will not be officially launched until sometime next September) and with which it is possible to automate and reduce the time of use of applications: Limits of Apps and Downtime . Next, we will learn to efficiently use the first of these two new tools that, perhaps, allow us to unhook ourselves a little from the mobile.

iOS 12: Apps Limit

“App Limits”, as its name allows us to deduce, allows us to establish specific time limits for a particular category of applications (games, for example). When the established time has passed using this category of the applications, iOS 12 sends us an alert notifying us of such circumstance. Of course, you can ignore these alerts, but the idea behind them is that they serve as a "wake-up call" to help us better manage our time. Personally, I would have set, at least as an option, a reversible usage lock.

The second of these features, "Downtime", allows us to establish a daily schedule in which we do not want to use our iOS device at all. However, it is still early to talk about it, we better try this feature in depth in a special post tomorrow. Today, we will focus on how to set usage limits for individual apps or entire categories of applications. Let's go there!!!

How to set individual app limits in iOS 12

  • First of all, open the Settings application on your iPhone or iPad. Select the Screen time option. Touch the screen time graph that corresponds to this device, or touch "All devices".

  • Scroll down to the "Most Used" list and touch an app you want to set a limit for. Touch Add Limit at the bottom of the menu. Select a time limit using the hour and minute wheels. If you want to set different limits for specific days of the week, tap on Customize days. Finally, tap Add to apply the application limit.

How to set app limits by category in iOS 12

  • Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. Select the Usage Time category. Tap Apps Limits. Tap "Set Limit." Now, select the Category from the list to which you want to set a usage limit, or select "All apps and categories" at the top.

  • Tap Add in the upper right corner of the screen. Select a time limit using the hour and minute wheels. If you want to set different limits for specific days of the week, select the Customize days option. Tap “App Limits” again, in the upper left, when you're done. Add another limit if you want, or tap “Usage time” to return to the main menu.When you approach a designated limit, iOS 12 will alert you with a standard notification. When you finally hit the limit, the alert will fill the entire screen.

If you want to override the custom limit, just tap "Ignore limit" Next, you can select between two options "Remember me in 15 minutes" or "Ignore limit for today".

To remove limits for app categories and Individual app limits at any time, go to Settings -> Usage time -> App limits, tap the limit you want to remove, then select Remove limit.


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