
Tesla limits autopilot in Spain and Europe due to new regulations

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Autopilot is one of the star functions in Tesla cars. Although it is a function that has also had its problems in the past. This function will now be limited in the case of Spain and Europe. New new regulations at European level have been those that force the company to introduce changes in this regard. The Model X and Model S are the first to have the changes.

Tesla limits Autopilot in Spain and Europe

Therefore, the cars of the brand are going to have to modify the functionality to comply with these new rules that exist in the EU.

Changes in performance

This new regulation in Europe is something that does not only affect Tesla. But changes are introduced that are important and can affect these types of functions. As mentioned, this can affect when completing sharp curves, as the company itself has said. The company has to change the way the automatic lane change works.

In this way, said automatic change has to start five seconds after the flashing signals are activated. If this does not occur, then the maneuver will be canceled. So it is a major change.

A radical change by the EU. Tesla is one of the main affected by it. The changes are already being made in the company's cars. Consumers who have questions can contact the company, if they have questions. EU source


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