▷ How to install mysql in windows 10 step by step
Table of contents:
- What is MySQL
- Install MySQL on Windows 10
- Download from MySQL
- MySQL installation process on Windows 10
- MySQL configuration
- Connect to MySQL server from MySQL Workbench
If you are a user who uses databases to work or to manage a small hosting, in this article we will see how to install MySQL in Windows 10. The great advantage of this application is that it is free to use and is compatible and works perfectly in any operating system, be it Linux, Windows or Mac.
Index of contents
If you frequently use your computer to create or manage databases, both on itself and on a server remotely, the ideal is to use a versatile database manager capable of working in different situations, and, of course, free.
MySQL is one of the most widely used client and database manager programs, both individually and in companies that bet on free software. We, of course, will not be less.
What is MySQL
The two most used programs in the package are MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench, since thanks to them we will have the possibility of working in databases. MySQL is a database environment created by Oracle under a general public and also commercial license that is capable of working with relational data structures.
We must bear in mind that, although it may be part of the Hadoop ecosystem, with applications like Apache or Spark, this package is not open source and created by the community like Apache, but is sponsored by Oracle itself.
- MySQL Server: it is the main package and it is a powerful and widely used relational database manager software. It is capable of creating databases, they are their respective tables, views and relationships. In addition to being able to edit and query such data. MySQL Workbench: for its part, this software will provide us with powerful relational database administration options, in addition to using SQL queries through a visual environment at the click of a button.
Install MySQL on Windows 10
Well then, let's start the process with the installation of MySQL Server. Before we will see how and where to download it.
Download from MySQL
The first thing we will have to do, of course, is install the main tool, the database engine and we will also take advantage of installing the client to manage the databases. To download it we will have to go to its official website, and on its main page, click on " MySQL Comunnity Server ".
In any case, we will have to go to the lower area of the new page and select the platform on which we want to install MySQL. Of course, it will be on Windows. Then, we will have to click on the main option of " MySQL Installer for Windows"
This procedure will be identical in any of the operating systems that we have. Now we will have a page very similar to the previous one where we will have to select again the type of system we have and click on " Windows (x86, 32-bit), MSI Installer ". The difference between the two versions that exist is that in one we will download the files from the Internet during the installation, and the other will be the complete package.
The version that we are going to download and install is the most current, being 8.0.13.
Before starting the download, a page will appear for us to subscribe or log in, in principle it is not necessary to do this, so we go to the link in the lower area and click on it.
MySQL installation process on Windows 10
Before the installation process, we recommend having our operating system, whatever it is, updated, to avoid last minute errors.
Once the package is downloaded, we proceed to execute it, so that the installation wizard begins. Since we want to install both the Server and the Workbench, we can choose two possibilities. Click on “ Developer Default ” which will automatically install everything necessary for the creation and management of databases. For beginning users, we recommend this option, since it will install MySQL completely with extra information and all kinds of available support.
If we give the option " Custom " we will have enough options to choose from. This option is intended for users who already have experience working with other database managers. Let's take a look at the main installation options:
- MySQL Servers: this will be the main and basic tool if we want to use our equipment to turn it into a server and database manager. In our case we are going to install this package, to be able to connect later through the client. Therefore, we display the entire list in the section, and click on the arrow to move the option to the right.
- MySQL Workbench: it will be located in the “ Applications ” section and will be our MySQL client. We proceed as in the previous point.
- MySQL Connections: this option will depend on the connections that we want to make. According to the clients and the languages of programs that we are going to use. The best thing will be to install all these packages in case we need any of them in the future.
To install the connection to Pyton, we will have to have the corresponding programming language package installed on our system.
- Documentation: in this last section, we can add information on how to use MySQL and help examples.
When we have the packages chosen, both in the previous method and in this we will press " Next " and then on the next screen " Execute ". For practically all applications it will be necessary to have the Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015 package installed. Although this will be installed automatically when the process begins.
In any case, the preparation for the installation of packages will begin until everything appears as “ INSTL DONE ”. As we can see, Visual Studio has not been installed, and this is because we also need to have the Microsoft package previously installed on the computer.. Click on "Next"
In this next step, we will already carry out the installation process. A pop-up message will appear before us in which we simply click on " Yes " to continue. Then a list of the programs to be installed will appear. Again click on " Execute"
MySQL configuration
After the installation of the modules, it will be time to proceed with an initial configuration before executing the corresponding services. Click " Next " and choose the first option " Standalone MySQL Server / Classic MySQL Replication"
The next screen is important, since we will need to configure some parameters such as the type of equipment we will have for SQL, in addition to protocols and TCP ports through which remote connections to the SQL server will be made.
For the computer type configuration we will have three different options:
- Development Computer: It is oriented to be a computer in which the SQL server is installed, but also the client for database queries. If our equipment is domestic and we work normally, it will be the option we must choose. Server Computer: This second option will be oriented to computers used for server functions, for example, web server with databases. Dedicated Computer: the third option is for the case in which we want to create a single and exclusively database-oriented team. For example, a virtual machine in which our databases are stored.
The next option that we will have to choose is the TCP port that we will use for remote connections. The default is 3306. The option that we check here will be the port that we will have to open in our router to establish remote connections.
The rest of the options we recommend leaving them for defects as they are.
Next, we must choose the password to connect to the SQL server. We can modify this configuration at any time from the server itself. It will not be necessary to define a specific user to administer the database, since by default it will be the root user.
Finally we will configure the name of the service for MySQL and the general preferences when starting the daemon and the use of user accounts.
To finish, on the last screen we click on “ Execute ” to execute the actions and activate the corresponding services in the system. Everything should have been completed correctly. If not, we will see a red x in the list item and we will have to see the error log to know more information about it.
If we have installed other extra elements like the examples, we will also need to configure them. All we have to do is connect to the server using the root user and the password that we have previously defined
In this way we will have finished the process to install MySQL in Windows 10
Connect to MySQL server from MySQL Workbench
If during the process we have installed the graphical client MySQL Workbench, it will automatically open after installation to connect to a server.
By default, the connection link to our own team will appear where we will have the server installed. Let's assume that we have not created any connection, so we will see how to configure one.
The first thing we will have to do is click on the "+" button of " MySQL Connections"
Now in the window that opens we will have to place the following parameters:
- A name for the connection. The one that we want. Choose as standard protocol, TCP / IP. In " hostname " we will have to put the IP address of the server. If it is our own team, the IP must be 0.0.1. But we are in a local network, it will be the IP address assigned to it on your network card. If it is a remote connection we will need to know the external address of the connection. Connection port: we place the one that we have previously configured. Username: in our case we could put root or the one that we previously configured
When this is all, click on " OK " or " Test connection " to check if the connection is correct. It will ask us for the password and everything should go correctly.
In the main MySQL Workbench window, the new connection created will appear to connect with a single click. In this way we will already be within the MySQL database management environment.
This has been the installation and configuration procedure for MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench in Windows 10
We also recommend:
We hope this tutorial has been useful to you. If you have had any problem let us know which SQL server do you use?
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