
How to Clean Linux Thoroughly

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There comes a time when you have to do what you least want, a thorough cleaning of your computer. It is clear that no cleaning is as strong as formatting, but if we can avoid it and save time, much better. So today if you have Linux you are interested in this, because we are going to tell you how to clean Linux thoroughly.

Linux is great because with some commands you can get to do incredible things. Today we are going to show you some of the most basic ones that work well. It will be as easy as opening a command console and executing them.

How to Clean Linux Thoroughly

This is the most necessary to eliminate garbage from packages, dependencies…

  • sudo apt-get purge linux-image-xxxx-generic: This command is essential for you to remove the old versions of the kernel from your operating system. You will need the kernel version to uninstall, you can know it with dpkg –list | grep linux-image. apt-get clean: this command is responsible for removing all packages from the cache. But remember that if you want to reinstall a specific package, you will have to reinstall it. It is a fundamental command in all cleaning, you will use it more than you think (especially if you download and install many packages). apt-get autoremove: remove folders and dependencies of all the applications you install. Even if you remove some apps, there are always remnants, so it is important that you run this command in the console from time to time. apt-get install fslint: with this command you will be able to install the Fslint program. It is one of the best programs, because it takes care of cleaning your system thoroughly. Delete empty folders, duplicate files, temporary files… everything you don't need at all. It is a must. It is not dangerous at all, because it deletes what is necessary. You'll find it in Applications> System Tools> Fslint.

These are the fundamental commands / programs to clean Linux thoroughly and successfully. We hope they have served you. Now you can enjoy a cleaner and friendlier operating system.


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