
▷ How to clean windows 10 registry

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Touching the registry is usually not recommended unless we know exactly what we are doing. Windows 10 does not have a specific tool to clean it. In this tutorial of cleaning the Windows 10 registry we will show you different ways to perform a maintenance, so to speak, of the Windows registry.

Index of contents

Is it good to clean Windows 10 registry?

As we say, it is not recommended to touch the Windows registry since we could mess it up well. There are programs that are in some way responsible for maintaining this by cleaning and removing corrupt or repeated entries. On the other hand, Windows has a very useful command to repair system files and, where appropriate, registry entries. Although it does not perform a cleaning as such.

We must also make it clear that cleaning the registry does not imply a decrease in the performance of the operating system. What's more, in Windows 10 the use of applications that take care of this does not make sense. We just have to see that not even the company itself has a native application to perform these functions. And it is that they strongly recommend not to use programs that do this type of action, since at some point or another some failure will occur and we will have to try to solve these errors.

Anyway, let's go over some applications that takes care of this. It is up to you to try them or not and see how they go.

First things: make a backup

If we are trying to make modifications to the Windows registry, either change values, or as in this case, clean it, the first thing we will have to do is make a backup copy. It is true that most programs for these purposes already have this function, but it is interesting that we do it by ourselves and place it in a very visible place.

The first thing will be to go to the start menu and type the command "regedit". This tool must be run with administrator permissions

  • Next, the Windows registry editing tool will appear. We are going to go to "File" and we are going to choose the "export" option. In this way we will make a backup of all our registry. We store the file in a place where we remember later in case we have to use it.

To restore the values that the entries had before any modification, we will only have to follow the same steps and in this case choose the "Import" option. We choose the file that we previously created and our registry will return to its initial state.

Other specific programs to clean Windows 10 registry

Here we leave you a small list of programs that are responsible for cleaning Windows 10 registry. It is up to each one to use one of them.


The famous cleaner program now owned by Avast is widely used by the Windows user community. This program, in addition to having the option of cleaning the Windows registry, also has other interesting utilities such as cleaning the hard disk, uninstalling programs from the computer or deleting programs at Windows startup. To download visit this link.

To get more information about this tool, we invite you to read our article:

Glarysoft Registry Repair

This tool is specifically designed to intelligently analyze the Windows registry and eliminate or repair those entries that have faulty data. Glarysoft assures that the removal is completely safe and will not affect critical software components.

The application can be obtained free of charge on its official website. It is available in multiple languages ​​and is compatible with all versions of Windows

Wise Registry Cleaner

This tool is also specifically designed for cleaning and correcting errors in the Windows registry. Like the previous one, it has a free version of the program and it is possible to download it from its official website.


Also an old acquaintance of cleaning enthusiasts. It is very easy-to-use and well-performing software for removing invalid or obsolete registry entries. Its interface is similar to Windows 98 but it does its job well.

Like the others, it is free, it is in Spanish and can be downloaded from its website.

SlimCleaner Free

It is a tool quite similar to CCleaner, since it has several utilities to optimize our operating system. Its main functions are: cleaning the Windows registry, it implements a RAM memory optimizer, the possibility of eliminating programs from it, in addition to other utilities that you can see when you download it from this link.

We believe that they are enough tools for you to test their performance. Keep in mind that all these tools have an option to make a registry backup, in case something should happen, restore it to its original values. If you have tried any of them and problems have occurred, let us know through the comments.

In case of unpleasant events, we recommend this tutorial:

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