
How to transfer applications from one computer to another without losing anything

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One of the reasons that always throw us back when it comes to changing PCs, is to lose the configuration of all the applications and programs that we have. Sometimes it becomes an ordeal, because it is not a good thing, since not only do we waste time reconfiguring everything again, but sometimes a lot of information. If you want to end that, we are going to tell you how to pass applications from one computer to another without losing anything.

This can easily be done with a program that is doing quite well. So if you want to know how to work and be able to change computers without having to worry about losing your configuration or data, don't miss out on what we are going to tell you.

How to transfer applications from one computer to another without losing data or configuration

If you do not want to lose settings again, the customization you had of certain applications and the settings, you need this that we are going to talk about. Its name is CloneApp, and by the name you can already get an idea of ​​what it allows.

CloneApp is an application that makes it easy to pass the configuration from one PC to the other. In addition, it is totally free, so you will be able to make backup copies of the applications you want, without limit.

Changing your computer will no longer be a real headache since you discover this application. Because it will allow you to save the settings of many programs, from Office to Photoshop, Media Player, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and a long etcetera. You'll save time by reconfiguring everything. If you like what you read, now you just have to start trying it, this is what you need.

How to use CloneApp

If you want to start backing up the programs, you need CloneApp.

This is what you have to do:

  • CloneApp Download

Once you have downloaded this software, you will have to install it on your computer. You are going to have to run it as administrator for it to work for you. To do this you simply have to right-click " run as administrator ".

If you have already opened the application, you will see something like what we see in the previous image. You will have to select from among the applications you have installed on your computer, the ones you want to back up. Once you have selected all the apps, you will have to click on “ Start CloneApp “, to start the process.

If you look, in the Installed and Supported tabs, you will be able to see all the apps that you have installed and that you can clone, to make a copy of them and not lose the configuration and / or data even if you change your PC. You see that it has no greater loss, because in the previous image it can be seen quite clearly. You can even click " select all ", so you don't have to go one by one.

Remember that you can store the data of each application separately or all the apps in the same folder. That is, the program will give you the option to choose if you want to make the backup in a different folder for each of the programs. That as you prefer. Then we recommend that you pass the information to an external disk. But remember, that with the CloneApp application, you can choose the Restore option to recover the settings of the applications that you have cloned.

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In the previous image, you can see the other functionalities that we find in this program such as cloning, custom and options. Basically you are going to need to enter cloning, both to start cloning applications and to restore them. How long does it take to clone or restore applications ? It depends on the information you have. However, it will take a long time. That is, you will not finish in 5 minutes unless you only want to recover the data of a couple of applications.

With this program, no more wasting time and headaches. Now that you know how to transfer applications from one computer to another without losing anything, we hope we have made your life a little easier.

Download | CloneApp


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