
How to register domains and how to configure the dns of a domain

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If you want to have your own website, such as yourname.com or myname.net, you need to register a domain name or several domains. There are several companies that offer this service, with GoDaddy being the best known. And one of the best in Spain: Nodenet or Siteground.

In this short article we will show you how to register domains and how to assign DNS from your provider's back-end. Prepared? Let's start1

Index of contents

Domain registration and assign nameservers

The first step is to check if the domain you want is available, that is, if it was no longer registered by someone else or by a company. All registration services provide a field where it is possible to do this check.

If the domain is free (nobody is using it), you can register with the service and pay a fee, which varies according to the company and the type of domain. However, it is worth noting that the registration is only valid for the chosen termination. If you want to register a different domain, you need to register again.

The registration is worth for at least 365 days (1 year), and can be registered for two or more years, the longer you leave it registered, Don Google will like it more because he thinks it is a long project and that it will take a long time.

Domain registration with Nodenet

If you want to continue using it, you must renew it before expiration, otherwise you will risk losing it. In general, the registration company issues an e-mail notice to alert you of the need for renewal, just by paying a new fee for this process to be completed.

Now all you have to do is add the chosen domain in the cart, the number of years you want to contract it and if you want your data to be public. It will also ask for your personal information: name, surname, address, postal code, country and contact telephone number? Once the purchase is complete, the domain is yours. Congratulations!

Note: What happens is that when registering a domain, it is not enough to put your website online. You also need to choose a company to host it. There are several companies that provide this type of service, with the most varied prices. You can search for "hosting spain" in Google to try to find the best service for you.

We do not advise you to choose a free hosting.

Other data to take into account

There are also different extensions: .es (Spain), .com (world level),. net (already somewhat obsolete), .org (for organizations),. eu (european union), etc… When you have chosen a hosting service, you must associate the account with the registered domain name.

It's easy to do this: the hosting service will provide at least two DNS addresses (nameservers) that must be reported in the panel offered by the company where the domain was registered. These addresses generally have the following format:

  • ns1.tuhosting.comns2.tuhosting.com

By performing this procedure, the entity responsible for administering the domain will know how to inform you of the DNS services that are responsible for the server that hosts your website, making it available.

DNS record types

When you register a domain and contract a hosting service, it can offer subdomains based on your address so that you can access e-mail services, FTP server, among others, for example: ftp.your site.com or mail. your site.com. In addition, you may also want a subdomain for certain purposes, such as creating a forum within the website: foro.tusitio.com.

This is possible thanks to some DNS records (parameters), which must be included in the specific files of the server configuration. However, in the case of hosting services, it is often possible to change the parameters through a control panel or a specific page for it.

These are the most common types of DNS records:

  • A records: basically, they associate one or more IP addresses with one or more domains. AAAA can be used for IPv6 addresses. CNAME (Canonical Name) records: used to create redirects for domains or subdomains. It is the parameter that must be used, for example, to create an address of the type blog.misitio.com. MX Records (Mail Exchanger): these are the parameters that must be configured for email accounts in the domain (@ misitio.com). NS (Name Server) records: Indicate that the servers act as the site's DNS service. These are the addresses mentioned in the topic about domain registrations. PTR (Pointer) records: report the domains that are associated with certain IPs, almost as if it were the reverse of records A. SRV (Service Acronym) records: indicate the location of certain services within the domain. SOA (Start of Authority) records: Indicate the start of a zone, that is, a set of records that are within a DNS namespace. Each zone must have an SOA record. TXT records (abbreviation of Text): they are used to insert comments or directives.

Any changes to the DNS records should be done with great caution, as an error could simply prevent the site from being located.

DNS propagation can take anywhere from 30 minutes, several hours, or even days (this is unusual).

In the event that it does not refresh DNS correctly… We recommend that you perform the process again. Particularly it happened to me once and it was solved like this. A fairly useful website to check that the DNS are 100% propagated is DNS Checker.

With that we finish our article on how to register domains and how to configure the DNS of a domain. As you can see it does not present any difficulty and almost anyone can do it easily. Have you ever registered a domain? If you need help, let us know?


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