
How to mute posts and stories on instagram

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It is common for some of the people we follow on social networks to end up being annoying due to their intense activity. If there is someone you find annoying on Instagram but you don't want to stop following them, today we tell you how you silence their posts and stories.

How to mute Instagram stories

Let's start with the popular Stories . If you want to mute a person's stories on Instagram, all you have to do is follow these simple steps:

  • First, go to the Instagram home screen, once there, tap and hold the Instagram story of who you want to mute. If it does not appear directly at the top of the screen, go to the profile of the person in question. Click on the Mute option.

From this moment on, the Instagram stories published by this specific profile no longer appear in your main feed. Thus, the only way to see them will be to go to that profile to view their stories there.

How to mute Instagram posts

But if what you want is not to silence only the stories of a profile, but to silence all the publications of a certain profile because it has become more tiresome than usual, then you should follow these steps:

  • First of all, go to the Instagram home screen. Go to the profile in question. Tap the three dots you will see in the upper left corner of the profile page of the person you want to mute. In the dialog box that will appear, click on the option Disable publication notifications .

    And if you want to mute both stories and posts from a specific person, then also select the Mute stories notifications option.

From now on , you will no longer receive continuous notifications of stories and / or publications of that profile so heavy that it does not stop publishing content, but which you do not want to stop following.


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