
75% of users in america do not know how facebook works

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Facebook is not at its best. The social network has lost more than half a million users in the Netherlands, and has experienced a multitude of scandals related to security and privacy. Despite this, in America most users do not know how the social network works. This has been shown by a study that has been carried out in these months.

75% of users in America do not know how Facebook works

For example, 74% of respondents said they knew nothing about the social network using their interests and personal data to display targeted advertising for them.

Doubts about how Facebook works

So this study makes it clear that users don't really have an idea about what Facebook does. So they do not know what the social network does with their private information, so it is likely that they are giving too much personal data to it. Without a doubt a major problem, which can affect millions of users in the United States.

Although this is not something that should catch us by surprise. When Mark Zuckerberg sat in front of the American Congress, the vast majority of Congressmen had no idea about the social network. They confused it with other terms related to the Internet.

So it is clear that in this sense, there is a lack of important education. This is something that can have many consequences, but it is essential that young people who have a Facebook account know what the social network does with their personal data-

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