
The direct3d team gathers 35 years of gpu history in a mural

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As you can understand, the Direct3D team has years of saved old GPUs in their offices , of all the development they have been doing over the last decades. Now, they have transformed it into a very interesting mural that brings together 35 years of history of graphics cards.

Over 400 GPUs on the walls of Direct3D offices, a valuable makeshift museum

Faced with such a quantity of old jewels kept in boxes, Direct3D employees decided to transform this accumulation into something as profitable as this mural. One by one, 402 different graphics were placed on the wall, from 1983 to today, along with a small card with relevant information about them. Everything worth remembering.

The peculiar timeline begins with the CGA (Color Graphics Adapter) launched by IBM in 1983, the first IBM graphics card and the first color graphics for PC, and also continues with all those GPU manufacturers that were disappearing as mythical as 3dfx, 3DLabs, Matrox… not to mention NVIDIA and AMD / ATI.

All this occupying several corridors that, as we say, serve as a small museum that enriches the offices of Direct3D.

Sadly, the photos published on the DirectX blog are at a very low resolution, we will be watching if they decide to update them to make it easier to read and view the information.

The result has been, in conclusion, admirable. The result of a great effort to preserve the varied history of computer graphics, which from its beginnings to the present are jewels of computing.

We hope this short journey through the history of GPUs has been useful to you. Have you seen a model that brings you special memories? Do you keep any of these in your houses? We await your opinion in the comments.

DirectX MSDN Blog Source


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