The government blocks more than 60 twitter accounts

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For a long time it seems that the Government of Spain has a battle with accounts and users of social networks. So they have been taking various measures. One of them is to block various accounts on Twitter. Something that certainly sounds strange and surprisingly coming from a government. In addition to saying a lot about it.
The Government blocks more than 60 Twitter accounts
In total there are 68 accounts that the government has blocked in the blue bird social network. It was found out thanks to a request made under the Transparency Law. The government has a total of 18 different accounts, between institutions. The sum of accounts blocked between all of them amounts to 68.
Accounts blocked on Twitter
In most cases the identity of the accounts blocked by these government agencies or ministries is not known. Although, the account that takes the palm is @desdelamoncloa that has a whopping 57 blocked accounts. Being the one that takes the absolute majority of all accounts.
La Moncloa's Twitter account has rules of use that warn against the possibility of blocking in the case that offensive language is used, links to sites with violent or discriminatory content are introduced and for spreading "spam" or other content.
These data are undoubtedly surprising, since no government is expected to block some 68 users on Twitter. But, it seems that these accounts would have violated the rules of use established in the social network. What do you think of these blocks?
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