
The iPad breathes relieved

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In 2010, and after the launch of the iPhone, the iPad was a new turning point in Apple's history. Technology brands quickly launched into the manufacture and marketing of tablets but the iPad was unrivaled. In 2013, the iPad reached its maximum market share, 40.2%, and began a process of free fall that only the introduction of the Pro series, the reduction and improvement of the original iPad, and the new specific functions included in iOS 11, seem to have slowed down.

IPad gains market share for the first time since 2013

Last Tuesday, Apple reported that it has sold 9.1 million iPads during the first quarter of 2018, making it the tablet with the largest market share worldwide. According to the market analysis firm IDC, the iPad represents 28.8% of tablet sales made during the first three calendar months of this year, compared to 24.9% in the same quarter of the previous year. In addition, it is the first time that the apple tablet has experienced any growth since 2014 when, already in decline, it was done with a 32.7% participation.

The top five tablet providers, global shipments in millions of units | SOURCE: IDC

  • 2013: 40.2% 2014: 32.7% 2015: 26.8% 2016: 25.9% 2017: 24.9% 2018: 28.8%

Launched in 2010 by the late Steve Jobs, the iPad continues to be the most popular tablet in the world, despite the fact that it has left more than 11% of market share in the last five years. In second place is the South Korean Samsung, with an estimate of 5.3 million units sold, considerably below the six million the previous year, although it has managed to maintain a market share of 16.7%.

Looking ahead, the new 9.7-inch iPad compatible with Apple Pencil, more powerful and somewhat cheaper, should have a greater impact in the second quarter of 2018, as it was recently launched.


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