
The samsung galaxy s9 may arrive earlier than expected

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For a few weeks now, the rumors about the Samsung Galaxy S9 have continued unabated. The new high-end of the Korean multinational will be presented at the beginning of the year. It is one of the phones called to lead the market in 2018. So curiosity and expectation are very high. Details about the device have been leaked, although nothing has been confirmed yet.

The Samsung Galaxy S9 could arrive earlier than expected

Now, the latest rumors refer to the presentation date of the device. The idea was that the Galaxy S9 would be presented during the MWC in Barcelona, ​​one of the most important events in the telephony market. But, it seems that the company's plans are different. The phone may show up earlier.

Will the Galaxy S9 arrive before the MWC in Barcelona?

This is indicated by the latest information. The idea that the company will present its new high-end before the congress is being gained from various media What is not known is whether it will be much earlier, or as on previous occasions, at a private event a day before the MWC begins. So these rumors are giving rise to much speculation.

It has long been discussed that Samsung planned to introduce the Galaxy S9 in January 2018. These rumors today certainly help this assumption gain strength. But again, neither story has been confirmed. So they remain just rumors.

We will have to wait for the Korean multinational to confirm more about it. Although, what is clear is that there is much expectation before the arrival of this Galaxy S9.


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