
New microsd a1 and a2 allow you to install apps on your smartphone

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Being able to install apps on the smartphone from the SD card is something like a dream that has hardly come true. But did you know that there are new microSD A1 and A2 that allow you to install apps on your smartphone ? Today we will talk about how this technology works and where you can buy them.

Marshmallow makes it easier to save data or apps on the smartphone with their respective improvements. However, we still need technology to make it easier for us. The solution is microSD A1 cards.

MicroSD A1 cards to install apps on Android

If you want to have more storage on your smartphone, now you can get it. You no longer have to worry so much about internal memory, because with these new cards, you can move app data to the microSD and install them directly on the microSD if you prefer.

But what difference is there between these microSD and the classic ones?

The difference is that the new microSD are class A1 and the random speed is enhanced. However, in which we had only the sequential. This is the big difference and that's why you will have to buy them if you have space problems.

There is no doubt that things have improved a lot since the appearance of the new microSD A1 to install apps on your smartphone without wasting internal memory. This is partly because a second version that is even better came out now: Application Performance Class. The objective is to act as memory in which to install the apps used in the terminal.

We therefore have, at the moment, new class A1 and A2 microSD cards for users who have little internal memory and want to install apps through a real SD, installing the entire app, not just a piece!

The bad part? They cost an eye from the face

For now they are excessively expensive. But if we give it a while, we will surely find them at a good price. So if you have space problems now and you don't want to change your mobile, I recommend this 64 GB microSD A1 card for € 50. It will change your life because you can install the apps directly in it!

DSP Micro SDXC FOR Samsung Galaxy J5 DUOS - A1maxiops memory card Read: 2000+ IOPS / Write: 500+ IOPS; Speed ​​Class: Performance A1 app after SD Specification 5.1 14, 70 EUR


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