
Data from 100 million quora users exposed

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It seems that security breaches are becoming more common. Now it is the turn of Quora, the well-known questions and answers website. In his case, a hack on the web has meant that the data of 100 million users is exposed. The company itself has been in charge of announcing it through a statement, as well as an email to those affected.

Data from 100 million Quora users exposed

The company has communicated to users that this data has been illegally and maliciously accessed. They are currently working on knowing who it has been, as well as taking measures to prevent it from happening again.

Quora hack

Among the information of Quora users that has been compromised, we find the usual data (name, email and password). Also the content of the account itself has been affected. This assumes that comments, votes or questions have been exposed. It can be a lot of information, although in general it should not be a big problem, since there is no data such as addresses or bank details on the web.

Users who have received this email, who are the affected, are recommended to change their password to access the web. Also, in case they use this password in more cases, they change others. To avoid possible problems.

Quora has been aware of this problem since November 30, last Friday, so it is all very recent. We hope to know more about how this hack happened, as well as who is behind it.

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