
Facebook won't show gun accessory ads to minors

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Updating Facebook's advertising policy is already a reality. It will bring some important changes, especially in the case of advertising that minors can see. Since they will not be shown any more advertising for weapon accessories. Although the social network has already announced that they will generally ban all ads related to the sale of weapons.

Facebook won't show gun accessory ads to minors

These changes that the social network has announced are going to take effect this week, on June 21 to be more concrete. It appears that they are mostly aimed at minors in the United States, following the killings at various schools in the country this year.

Facebook changes its advertising policy

While it is good news to see that Facebook takes action on the matter and seek to eliminate all kinds of ads for weapons or accessories on the page, preventing any user, and especially minors, from being exposed, it is somewhat late. Somehow it is surprising that all these years the company has not had a policy of this type and they react now.

Although the social network has been introducing quite a few changes since the controversies that have lived with Cambridge Analytica. So surely they are not the only changes that we will see on the social network in the coming weeks.

For now, this new advertising policy is already a reality and will be effective from this Thursday on Facebook. We will see what more changes come to it in the coming weeks.

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