
Google will stop reading your email to show personalized ads

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For many of you it was something known. Google analyzes the content of our emails. The purpose of that is to later show you personalized ads. But, it looks like that is going to change. Google says they are going to end that practice.

Google will stop reading your email to show personalized ads

The American company has issued a statement in which they affirm that they will stop analyzing your messages to generate personalized ads. So those users who did not agree with these actions can rest easy. Although there are changes that will also have to be taken into account.

Ads don't go anywhere

Just because we stop reading our messages in Gmail to generate personalized ads does not mean that the advertising will disappear. Ads will continue to appear in Gmail. But they are going to have a major change. It will no longer be about ads based on your tastes. In the web version you will continue to see them on the left side.

What seems to change is the techniques with which Google collects the information necessary to put the ads in Gmail. From now on they will bet on different techniques, although nothing has been said about it. But at least we know that they will stop analyzing messages for those purposes.

It is certainly a remarkable change. Because since its inception there have been many criticisms of this type of practice that Google carried out in Gmail. Now, the end of this type of action is coming, although the American company surely already has a new way of obtaining information from users ready. What do you think of Google's decision?


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