Fall0verflow manages to install linux on the nintendo switch and make it work

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The main reason why you want to hack a game console is to be able to run backup copies of the games, something logical since it saves a lot of money. However, there are other types of users whose goal is to make totally different software work, such as emulators from other consoles or complete operating systems, this is the case of fall0verflow that Linux has managed to run on the Nintendo Switch.
fall0verflow shows your Nintendo Switch running Linux perfectly
A couple of weeks ago, the fall0verflow hacking collective showed a still image on Twitter of a Nintendo Switch showing how the Linux operating system boots. Now fail0verflow has shown a video in which you can see a complete distribution of Linux running on the hacked Nintendo Switch, you can even see full support for the touch screen, a fully operational web browser and even a demo application based on processing by GPU.
We recommend reading our post on the Nintendo Switch Homebrew Launcher is now available
Fail0verflow affirms that the error they are exploiting to bypass the security of the Switch, cannot be patched because it is at the hardware level in the consoles that have already been manufactured, also it does not require a modchip so the installation could be extremely simple.
This is not the first time that we have talked about vulnerabilities at the hardware level on the Nintendo Switch, these are especially important since they cannot be patched so, once exploited, they are unstoppable. These types of vulnerabilities can give full access to the operating system and the hardware of the console so that all the functionality can be maintained despite having been hacked, including online gaming.
Code execution is all the rage these days, but can your Switch do * this *? ? #switchnix pic.twitter.com/NMnBq61tOM
- fail0verflow (@ fail0verflow) February 17, 2018
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