Instagram will show the igtv videos in the feed

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In June Instagram launched IGTV, its new video platform, which is independent. Although there is a clear integration between the two platforms. It seems that this will go further with the new measure that is expected to arrive shortly in the application, as it has already been known. Because it is planned to show the IGTV videos directly in the feed.
Instagram will show IGTV videos in the feed
It is a method with which they hope to increase the popularity of this platform. Because at the moment something is left behind and it does not have the expected attention from users.
New measures on Instagram
Above all, it is necessary to increase the views on IGTV, which seems to be not fulfilling what was expected by those responsible for Instagram. For this reason, the decision has been made to integrate these videos directly into the feed, in the hope that they will generate greater attention among users of the social network. So they will play more frequently.
The new update is rolling out already. There are some users who already have this new feed where you can see the contents of IGTV integrated. Although it seems that over the next few hours it will expand among users.
It is certainly an attempt by Instagram to give IGTV a little more visibility. The question is whether this measure they are taking is going to have the desired effect or not. Or this platform may not be as successful as its creators expected.
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