
Intel xmm 8060 5g is the first commercial modem to support 5g technology

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Qualcomm currently has the largest market share thanks to its presence on LTE networks, however Intel is in a position to threaten Qualcomm with the announcement of its new Intel XMM 8060 5G modem, which is the first commercial modem compatible with 5G networks as its name suggests.

Intel XMM 8060 5G will arrive in mid-2019

The latest news pointed out that Intel would be the provider of Apple's network chips and we already know what is surely the cause and one of the updates to the next iPhone thanks to this Intel XMM 8060 5G modem.

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According to Intel, these commercial 5G modems are expected to pave their way to wipe out competition in mid-2019 a full year after the XMM 7660 is officially rolled out on smartphones.

“Intel is committed to delivering the leading 5G multimode modem technology and ensuring that the transition to 5G is seamless. Our investments in a comprehensive portfolio of modern technologies and products are critical to achieving the vision of perfect 5G connectivity. " Today's wireless networks are the equivalent of data driving on a single-lane highway. Our progress on the roadmap shows how Intel is moving at gigabit speeds to help the industry create this superhighway and take advantage of the speed, capacity, and low latency of the future. 5G promises."

The arrival of this new Intel XMM 8060 5G modem is expected for the year 2019 but the first iPhone to incorporate it will be made to wait at least a couple of years more, because a good deployment of 5G coverage is also needed to take advantage of it.

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